Joshua K. Rutherford is a screenwriter turned fiction storyteller that has wanted to be a writer all his life. He enjoys writing fantasy novels that offer a better representation of inclusivity in literary circles.
His latest work, The Fourpointe Chronicles, is a series of fantasy novels that take readers on an adventure through the strange and mysterious world of Greater Afari. As the story unfolds, readers will discover that there are many layers to this fascinating world. From its diverse cast of characters to its intricate plot lines, The Fourpointe Chronicles has something for everyone and is sure to keep you turning pages until the end.
When he’s not writing, Josh enjoys spending time with his wife and two boys in their hometown of Austin, TX.

Growing up, I didn’t fit in. I was the only mixed kid around: part white, part Mexican, part Filipino. I was too white for the Mexican or Filipino kids and too brown for the white kids. I had few friends; in fact, sometimes, years would go by when I didn’t have any.
That stigma of not belonging haunted me through my teens. As an already shy guy, I turned inward, focusing any need for self-expression on the only safe space I knew: writing.
My youthful creativity had no limits on the blank page. I built new worlds, entire galaxies and universes lush with environments no one has ever experienced. Adventures transpired and led to tangents with the promise of a hundred more. Best of all, the characters I created were like me! Not homogeneous, not of a singular identity.
They were diverse. Multilayered. Complicated. Authentic.
My writing wasn’t merely escapism . . . It was the start of a passion. A calling.
Back in the real world though, I struggled.
I still hadn’t made peace with my identity. I had yet to find myself.
I thought I could make strides much like I did in school, by putting my head down, working hard, and living up to the expectations of others. But that was a false hope because back then, I wasn’t true to myself. I played the model minority. I codeswitched. I tried my best to be what I thought would lead to success, whether professionally or personally.
In the professional world, this meant conforming to corporate cultures and companies that didn’t represent my interests or values. It’s no small wonder I bounced from one job to another. Creatively, I suffered too, with one failed career as a screenwriter and my start as a novelist a nonstarter.
Through a lot of soul-searching – periods of doubt, grit, and refinement – I found my way. Maturity set in as I went on to become a husband, and later, a father. As I pressed on in adulthood, I became more accepting of my heritage, of all my experiences really, whether they were good or bad, easy or challenging.

Such peace of self has found its place in my writing.
Embracing my heritage, my craft has evolved. I now fully embrace my uniqueness, and in doing so, I create through the lens of a mixed author, one who wants to foster a reading experience built on diversity and inclusivity.
When I set out to write The Fourpointe Chronicles, my goal was to create a fantasy world that would be both entertaining and relatable for readers who might share some of my own experiences. Growing up as a mixed-race individual, I often felt like I didn’t quite fit in anywhere. I was never quite black enough for the black kids or white enough for the white kids. I was always caught in between, feeling like I didn’t really belong anywhere. And that’s something that I wanted to explore in my writing.
The Fourpointe Chronicles is a six-book fantasy series that follows the adventures of people of mixed heritage, just like me. The characters, settings, and narrative all unfold to create a safe space where an audience with similar experiences – be it racial trauma, codeswitching, or any struggle of not fitting in – can relate and enjoy a tale where a hero like us can struggle, grow, survive, and yes, go on to win.
If you’re looking for a fantasy series that celebrates diversity and includes characters who look and feel like you, then you’ll love The Fourpointe Chronicles.